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汉贝托:China Ceramics towards year 2020奔向2020的中国陶瓷
来源:    发布时间:2013-11-08    作者:汉贝托    访问量:6050

China Ceramics towards year 2020奔向2020的中国陶瓷

汉贝托Humberto Valles
美籍墨西哥人 ICC General Manager
     昨天晚上,我在美丽的岭南新天地散步,因为住在附近的原因,我经常去那里。 我发现二期的一部分已经开业了,一些新餐馆、酒吧、茶室和商店已经进驻了。
     第二期和第一期一样好,甚至还更棒。 到今年年底为止,岭南新天地将会有一个德国餐厅酒吧(已经开业),一个泰国餐厅(已经开业),一个越南餐馆(已经开业)和一个美国咖啡餐厅(已经开业),此外,在中国春节前,也将有比萨酒吧和爱尔兰酒吧也会入驻。
     首先,对我这样一个外国人来说, 岭南新天地是我一个游览、居住和餐饮的首选,同时意味着另外一件非常重要的事情: 中国正在改变……在餐饮这一领域向更多的外国业务、投资和选择敞开了大门,而且这些改变看起来都挺成功,很好地被更高要求的中国消费者所接受,尤其是介于20到40岁之间的人群。
     每次我去的时候,这些餐馆总是最繁忙的, 而且人们看起来很享受他们的时光,美食 ,氛围,享受这些不一样的选择和新事物。
     今天情况已经完全不一样了! 我刚刚从上海和杭州出差回来,这是两个与国际化理念和品味更能接轨的城市。在那里我看到了很多国际化的品牌,来自意大利和西班牙的,它们通过本土经销商来管理店面。以前,在国内市场最有名的两个国际品牌要数 加德尼亚和伊莫拉陶瓷(也就是我们所熟知的蜜蜂瓷砖)。
     但是今天,我们能看到越来越多的其它国际品牌…… 在我看来,这些陶瓷公司正想用最快的速度在中国市场分一杯羹, 它们都想来到这个市场! 像Atlas Concorde、Emil、 REX、 Vives、 Serenissima、 Faenza等等你能想起来的品牌。
     它们处在金字塔的顶端, 是由高端消费者所组成的非常小的一部分市场,在这块市场价格并不是问题,这里更重要的是进口,欧洲,好的质量和设计。这是一个很小的市场比例(因为只是在金字塔的顶端),但是因为中国是如此之大,人口如此之多,所以这个顶端所代表的市场量基本上也都相当于一些其它国家的整个市场了。
     所以,这个很小的金字塔尖其实比我们所想象的要大得多,还有大量的市场空间等着。这也是为什么基本上每个月都有新品牌涌现,而一些老的品牌在其他的一线城市也有新店开张。 中国消费者想要的是更新、更好的东西。 他们对于与众不同的、 创新的、高品质的产品非常感兴趣,愿意花钱购买。
     中国品牌最有力的武器就是价格,但是相信我,在这块市场份额里,这个武器不那么适用。 在这里最重要的是质量、原创性、创新、差异化、服务和设计。 当然了,肯定会有一些重要的中国品牌通过一些很棒的产品销售在这块高端市场上,获取自己的份额。
       China slowly but surely is changing in a way that maybe lots of people notice or maybe not!
       Yesterday, I was walking at night at the fabulous Lingnan Tiandi area, place that I go very frequently because I live nearby and I noticed that part of Phase 2 is already open and it is getting slowly filled by new Restaurants, Bars, Teahouses, Stores, etc.
       This area is as nice if not maybe even better than the first one. By the end of this year we will have in Lingnan Tiandi a German Restaurant Pub (Already Open), a Thai Restaurant (Already Open) a Vietnamese Restaurant (Already Open) an American Coffee Restaurant (Already Open) and coming soon before CNY a Pizza bar and an Irish Bar.
       So, what does this mean to me or the Chinese people?
       First for me as a foreigner it becomes the preferential place to go, live, eat and a very important thing as well: China is changing….. Opening the doors to more foreign businesses, investments & options, in this field and it seems to be working and very well received by the more demanding Chinese Consumer, specially the younger 20-40 year old persons.
       Every single time I go the busiest restaurants are these, and the people seem to be enjoying their time, the food, the atmosphere, the different options, the new things.
       And what does this have to do with our ceramic industry?
       The same kind of thing is happening!
       I remember perfectly that 10 years ago I just couldn’t find any foreign ceramic brand with their own store commercializing tile in this Country.
       Today is quite the opposite! I just came from a trip to Shanghai & Hangzhou, cities that traditionally are more inclined to have a better knowledge and taste for international things and I saw very many International Brands mainly from Italy and then Spain that have their own stores managed by local distributors. Two of the most famous ones are Gardenia Orchidea and Imola Ceramica better known as the bee!
       But now there are many, many others……It seems to me that these ceramic companies are trying to get as fast as possible a small piece of the pay of the Chinese Ceramic Market and all of them want to come here!
       Atlas Concorde, Emil, REX, Vives, Serenissima, Faenza, you name it.
       They are at the tip of the pyramid, that very small part that consist or that is for the high end consumer that Price is not a problem at all, and all it counts is that it is imported, European, the best quality and design.
       Very small market (It is just the tip) but because China is sooooooo big and with sooooooo many people this tip represents easily the entire market of almost any other country in the world.
       So this small tip of the pyramid is in reality much bigger than we all think and there is room for many and that is why the new brands are popping up every month or the old ones are opening in other first tier cities.
       The Chinese consumer wants new, better things. It is interested in unique, innovative, different and high quality ceramic and they are willing to pay the price.
       If we in China stay still and do nothing (Which I do not thing it will happen) these companies will keep coming and growing and they will be in absolute control of this market share or piece of the pay.
       The Chinese big and most important weapon is price, but believe me in this market niche this is pretty much unusable. The most important things here are quality, originality, innovation, uniqueness, service and design.
       There are for sure some important big brand name companies that get a foot or hand in this market niche and sell a few things here and there and that is great!
       I think that by the year 2020 here in China the industry and the quality of the products is going to be or it should be at the same level of the actual Italian products and that tip of the pyramid will be shared by Italian and Chinese companies.
