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来源:陶瓷信息    发布时间:2014-03-21    作者:汉贝托    访问量:6690


XIAMEN STONE FAIR 2014 Summary Feedback
汉贝托Humberto Valles
InDesign创意总监    InDesign Creative Director
美籍墨西哥人   ICC General Manager
      看到一些公司把瓷砖做得非常棒,甚至和天然石材越来越接近的时候真的挺不错, 这些都是新鲜而值得提到的事情。所以要向简一和佛山的其他企业表达敬意。对于我来说除了瓷砖之外,让我感到激动的就是石材了!
      对我来说,参加厦门石材展是必须的, 我不光享受了展会更享受这个城市! 我爱这个城市! 它看起来如此现代、干净、漂亮。当我有机会去那里的时候,我总是争取去鼓浪屿游览参观。 同样这一次我们也去岛上逛了两个小时,我注意到很多店铺都更漂亮了,所有的东西都变得更好。
      不管怎么说,地球不可能每年都生产出新的石材,因为石材都是经过亿万年的时间才能形成, 现在人类只能依靠每年的不断开采,才能挖掘它们。 此外,它们大部分都不适合瓷砖生产,但可以肯定的是,你能够在参观展会的时候找到一些新点子,并且把它们应用到瓷砖行业来。



Did any of you go to Xiamen Fair this year?
When you are in the ceramic industry maybe attending the Xiamen Stone Fair is not on the top of your list of priorities but for some of the manufacturers it is, especially for the ones that are more focused on reproducing marbles, granites, limestone, travertine or any other stone products.
It was very interesting to see a couple of the local ceramic manufacturers there not only attending but also showing some of their work. It was very cool to see how some of this companies that are manufacturing ceramic tile very well, so well that it is getting closer and closer to the real natural stone. On regards to that it was very refreshing and worth mentioning. Hats off to Gani !Other of my passions besides ceramic tile is stone!
For me attending the Xiamen first is a MUST. Not only I enjoy visiting the fair but also the city. I love this City! It seems so modern, clean and nice. When I get the opportunity to go I always do my best to go to Gulang island. This time we walked in the island for about 2 hours and I noticed that it has been upgrading many of their shops and now everything is so much nicer.
We also stayed at a very cool hotel named Camelon a new concept in hospitality that is worth seeing or visiting and mentioning.
Anyway, while mother earth does not produce new stones every year because everything has been created millions and millions of years ago human kind only discovers these products every year while digging to find them. Most of them are not even good to make in tile but for sure you can get from visiting this fair new ideas that they present that could be applied for the ceramic industry.
Here attached a very good example of what I am saying:
Next Time do not miss it out!
