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汉贝托:Made & Designed in China!中国制造&设计
来源:    发布时间:2013-11-05    作者:汉贝托    访问量:5910

Made & Designed in China!中国制造&设计

汉贝托Humberto Valles
美籍墨西哥人 ICC General Manager
     过去几年和最近我也有去到一些其它的国家,因为现在劳动力成本已经比中国低的原因,它们已经开始有一些小的动静。比如说柬埔寨,印度尼西亚,越南等。 但是受制于相对薄弱的基础设计和产业,它们还没法和中国比。
     西方人,甚至一些亚洲其它国家的人,习惯性把所有中国制造的产品和这些词语联系起来:低成本,廉价,贫乏的设计,瑕疵,抄袭 等等!
     人们忘记的,或者不想看到的是,很多这个世界上最好的产品就是在中国制造的,也许不是在这里设计,但是的确是中国制造。很好的例子包括了 Iphones, 戴尔电脑,很多名牌服装,等等。
     我知道这些说起来容易做起来难。 我也知道这些终有一天会发生。中国有很多有能力有才华的人,我可以为此作证。举个例子,无论是在陶瓷行业,手表行业还是服装行业,你都可以看到中国人仿起大品牌来有多厉害。
     中国需要少一点抄袭,开始利用他们的才华去创造新的,原创的东西,尤其是在我们的行业。 中国设计师很棒!但是致力于陶瓷行业的不多, 也许更多的是局限在室内设计,店面设计,但是在产品的设计和应用方面却不多。
     在我们公司,我正在推动我们的员工去表达他们,施展他们的才华,而我也非常惊喜地看到了积极的成果。我要很高兴地说我们有一些 产品不仅仅是中国制造的,它们也是中国设计的,并且除此之外,它们质优却价不廉。好的东西和原创的产品是花费了金钱与精力的,它们应该被欣赏,而不是被贬值。
China, the manufacturing country of the world, the country well know as the big dragon with unbeatable infrastructure, huge labor force, hard working people, great domestic government incentives for exporters make this country the preferred factory of the entire world.
Even with the constant economy changes and the increasing labor costs in China still they are and will be the main factory of the world.
There are other countries that I have visited recently or in the past that make some small noise because their labor in now for sure cheaper than China. Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam to name some. But their lack of infrastructure and industry affects them a lot. They are no match to China.
Anyway, I am not writing this article to discuss or present to you this specific situation but instead I want to focus more on the design aspect of products manufactured in China.
Western people and even to a degree Asian People not Chinese associate all products made in China with low cost, cheap, poor design, defective, copied, etc.
If it is manufactured in China it MUST be cheap period!
What people forget or do not want to see is that many of the best products the world has ever seen were manufactured in China, maybe not designed here but made in China. Good examples are IPhones, Dell computers, clothing big brand names, etc.
In our ceramic industry seldom is mentioned that products were designed or created in China and Italy gets all the credit of supplying the designs to Chinese manufacturers. While this may be the case most of the time China needs to try to be less dependable of the western world regarding design.
I know this is easy to say but very difficult to do. I know this eventually is going to happen. China has capable and talented people and I am a witness of that. You can take the example of how talented Chinese are making copies of the most important brands either in ceramic or watches or clothing.
Chinese have to copy less and start using their talent to create new original things specially in our industry.
Chinese designers are good!, but seldom used in ceramics, maybe only used for interior decoration but not product designs and applications.
In our company I am pushing our people to express themselves and show their talent and I have been pleasantly surprised of the positive results and happy to say that some of our products are not only made in China but also designed in China and not only that, they are very good quality and they are not cheap.
Good things, original things cost money and should be appreciated not to devaluated.
The last thing I want to say is what I said on my article of the Scorpion King in regards to design: Maybe our people or we do not know what they are capable of and the only thing we or they may need is a little push.
And at the end it does not matter if the result is simple what matters the most is that the design is ORIGINAL and was made by a Chinese person (designer).
Try and you will be surprised like I was. And do not be afraid of failing….What you should be more afraid of is not to try.
